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Digital Document Archiving

Make your archive available digitally on the go with our electronic archiving solution



Make it easier to find documents from anywhere at anytime



Save space by moving physical archives to internet



Let your digital archive help you create more efficient business processes




  • A digital archive for secure storage of your files


  • Accessible from any device


  • Continued expert advice and customer service

A digital archive for your business

As soon as your documents are scanned, you will be able to access it all through your digital archive or digital storage service, an E-archive tailor-made for your documents. Searching for your documents will now only take a few seconds.With this electronic archiving solution, everything is stored in one convenient place, and it can be accessed anywhere, from your office laptop or from your phone while you are on a plane or at a restaurant. 

We can assist your organisation when you start using the document storage service to create more efficient business processes, by enriching the archive with indexing and metadata in an electronic form.

Azets helped Namsskogan municipality with their document archiving


Find the document

Namsskogan municipality in Norway wanted to have better control of their internal HR-archive, which was located in a cellar. Quite a few municipalities still rely on a physical paper-based archive hidden away in a building. Finding specific documents in these archives takes time and patience from the employee. This is how Namsskogan’s workday looked like before.

The solution

Azets’ team started by getting an overview of the paper-based archive, before organizing it. They then put it all into boxes, transported it to our workplace, scanned it all, and turned it into digital files. The digital documents were then delivered to the municipality’s electronic archive in the system already in use (Documasters, a NOARK 5-approved archiving solution).

Easy access to documents

After the digitizing, Namsskogan municipality now has easy access to all their documents in a digital archive. Only a few seconds pass between searching until the correct document shows up on the screen. As soon as everything was in perfect condition, Azets sent the paper documents to be stored in a new location.

Kommun referens
“When we were looking for a partner regarding the digitization of our HR-archive, Azets was the best choice. They had the best offer when it came to service, quality and price.

Azets could deliver exactly what we needed, and within the regulations we are required to follow. It was also important to us that the partner had many years of experience with this kind of project.

It is also wonderful to have a partner whom it’s easy to collaborate with. The communication was good from the start.

That is why we chose to work with Azets.”
Stian Brekkvassmo, Mayor, Namsskogan municipality


What is an E-archive?

An online archive where you can store all your files for easy access.

How will I get started?

We will have experts ready to help you set up the system correctly for your business and be on-call to assist should you need it.